The Senior Market
Everyday in America there are 10,000 adults turning 65 years of age. As the Baby Boomer generation (55-73) and the Silent Generation (74-94) continue to age and face health challenges, there will be more seniors looking for help to find suitable care, an appropriate place to live and possibly sell their home. This market is a “Shift” proof market as selling their home is not contingent on the condition of the market as it is their health or family situation. Did you know that 74% of Seniors over the age of 65 own their own home? At some point their home will not be the best place for them to live. They’ll face a health challenge or have a desire to be closer to their family. Whatever the reason, they will be listing their home with someone who understands them and knows how to serve them. Position yourself to be this expert. Learn from someone who has mastered this market.